Cacie Robichaux-Scrum Master at TruStage

Cacie Robichaux was born in Louisiana and has been living in Wisconsin since 2009.

Cacie received her bachelors, worked for a hot minute then started a family and decided to be a stay at home mom for several years. She decided to go back to school where she received her second degree: an associate of software development. Her second degree led her to a career as a Scrum Master.

Cacie is a facilitator who leads a team using the Scrum framework for agile project management. Scrum masters help their teams implement Scrum principles and practices, and coach them on how to improve their workflows.

To Cacie, building solid relationships and a sense of psychological safety in the work place is very important.  She likes to be a multipurpose person and help out wherever needed. 

Cacie is a mother of three daughters and very active in their lives coaching sports and ubering them around to lots of activities. She doesn’t have to ever worry about meeting her favorite athletes because she gets to raise her own.

Cacie loves a good physical challenge. She completed RAGBRAI in 2024,  which is a bike ride across Iowa. She also plans to run a half marathon in Wisconsin this spring. 

In addition, Cacie and her daughters are volunteering at Hope Heals Camp, a camp for individuals affected by disabilities and their families. They would like to raise funds in order for campers to attend for free. To learn more about Hope Heals Camp, go to or  click on the link below:

She’s an introvert, and gets her energy from reading a book in her basement. She loves Malcolm Gladwell, Brene Brown, Simon Sinek and Adam Grant. 

To find out more about Cacie Robichaux:

LinkedIn: Cacie Robichaux

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