Priyanka Modi – Alternate Learning Consultant

Priyanka Modi is an alternate learning coach and consultant who has worked in schools in various roles, including as a teacher and program coordinator. She has designed programs aimed at helping students gain volunteering experience. Her inspiration for writing comes from her nine year-old son, Adi.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Priyanka began exploring alternative approaches to learning, recognizing that the traditional schooling system may not be suitable for everyone. She researched various self-learning ideas, and incorporated them into her family’s daily routine. Priyanka and her family enjoy learning at their own pace, and utilizing the many online resources available to them. Adi’s interests change regularly, and as a result, his learning experiences vary as well. Priyanka appreciates that he has the freedom to explore whatever topics he’s interested in and is not restricted by a specific curriculum.

Priyanka studies the art of raising free learners and designing a lifestyle around it. She is passionate about writing and assisting others, which led her to start her blog. She is gradually getting to know numerous alternate learning explorers, and enjoys exchanging stories and sharing knowledge with them.

Priyanka’s objective is to demonstrate that other options exist and assist individuals in finding their own path in life. She strives to educate people about the numerous methods of exploring education, and believes that learning should be accessible to all.

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